INVESTIR July 2022 Edition
The July 2022 edition of INVESTIR: Insights from the International Country Risk Guide is now available. Influence peddling allegations in Peru; Greece’s reliance in Russian gas; a new premier for Italy; unrest in Uzbekistan; reforms move ahead in Kazakhstan; Cote d’Ivoire tops the list for CEOs; Chinese aid for Sri Lanka; power concentration in Tunisia; Libya’s (still) uncertain elections. Plus, winners and losers in the ICRG risk ratings; 40 years of growth, inflation, debt and debt-servicing costs for 140+ countries; market implications of a slower Fed tightening; moving ahead with AI-generated findings; more granular political risk data and forecasts; meetings with Kazakhstan and the Philippines; and our data sheds light on the connection between debt, growth and governance, and the efficacy of inflation targeting to sovereign capital structure.
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Since 1979, The PRS Group, Inc. has been a global leader in quant-based political and country risk ratings and forecasts. For more information on The PRS Group and its wide range of risk products, please contact us at (315) 431-0511 and, or explore our full array of both product lines at

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