geopolitical risk ratings firm

Debt, Growth, and Governance

geopolitical risk ratings firm

Is there a relationship between public debt and economic growth via governance channels?  Evidently so.  Using the World Bank’s WGI dataset of 106 countries from 1996-2015, along with our ICRG data for robustness checking, a recent study found that “[a]lthough, public debt has negative impact on economic growth…the results are statistically positive and significant when public debt is interacted with governance, which confirms that governance is a channel by which public debt influences economic growth.”

For a closer look, cf:


For over 40 years, the PRS Group and the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) have been the go-to choice for a range of organizations, from investment firms to multilateral entities; from central banks to leading universities.  Independently back-tested since the 1990s, appearing regularly in the scholarly and trade journals.  “The most authoritative source of political risk data” found anywhere.

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