China, Investment Bankers, and Corruption: Some New Findings Using the ICRG Risk Data

geopolitical risk ratings firm

As China cracks down on its investment bankers in a wide-ranging corruption probe, the connection between graft and aspects of a country’s geopolitical risk profile is a deep one.

For example, using our ICRG corruption data as a measure of ethnolinguistic fractionalization, improved control of corruption systematically enhances firms’ efficiency, including various dimensions of innovation (R&D expenditures, number of registered patents, etc.)


Another study to use our ICRG corruption data found that protectionist policies on the part of a government leads to increased corruption on part of the bureaucracy. Indeed, corruption is shown to increase with the number of tariffs and subsidies installed, and to decrease with civil sector wages.


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Now over 6 million individually vetted geopolitical risk data points, extending to the early 1980s for over 140 countries.

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